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2066 toys found
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Age range
No age range
A1 - Walkers and Activity Centres
A2 - Climbers, Rockers & Balance
A3 - Extra Large equipment
A4 - Special equipment
A5 - Sport equipment
A6 - Ride Ons & Scooters
B1 - Baby Mats
B2 - Feeling and squeezing
B3 - Beginner Sensory
BT - Beginner Transport
C1 - 0-3 Co-ordination
C1b - Stacking/Nesting
C1d - Screwing, turning
C1e - Hammering
C1f - Pulling
C1g - Pushing
C1h - Balls
C2 - 3y + Construction
C2a - Mega Bloks
C2b - Duplo
C2d - Robotics
D1 - House & Garden
D2a - Dolls
D2b - Character Sets
D3 - Action figures
D4 - Dress up
D5 - Puppets
D7 - Animals
F1 - Sand & Water Play
G1 - Colour Games
G2 - Memory
G3 - Number
G5 - Young children (3+)
G6 - Older children (6+)
I - Interactive Toys
J02 - Knob Jigsaws
J03 - 3d
J05 - Jigsaws 2-4 pieces
J06 - Jigsaws 5-6 pieces
J07 - Jigsaws 7-11 pieces
J08 - Jigsaws 12-14 pieces
J09 - Jigsaws 15-24 pieces
J10 - Jigsaws 25-49 pieces
J11 - Jigsaws 50+ pieces
J12 - Magnetic Puzzles
L1 - Language
L2 - Letters/Reading Skills
M1 - Play dough
M2 - Painting
M3 - Drawing
M4 - Play box
PHP - Physical Play Items - Large
PP - Pretend Play Large
S1 - Sound Toys
SB - Sound Box
SC - Science Toys
SN - Numeracy
ST - Technology
T1 - Road Transport
T1a - Road accessories
T2 - Rail Transport
T2a - Rail accessories
T3 - Water Transport
T4 - Air Transport
T4a - Air accessories
VB - Variety Box
VY - Variety- Young
I (In library)
O (On loan)
CC (Click and Collect)
Shelf Location
No storage location
P - Party Hire
No attribute listed
att - Attention and Concentration (Cognitive)
aud - Auditory Memory (Perceptual)
bal - Balance (Gross Motor)
bil - Bilateral Skills (Gross Motor/Fine Motor)
bod - Body awareness (Gross Motor)
cau - Cause & effect (Cognitive)
cct - Concepts (Cognitive)
cli - Climbing (Gross Motor)
cog - Cognition
col - color (perceptual)
com - Communication
con - Construction (fine motor /congnition)
coo - Cooperation (communication)
cor - Core Strength and postural control (Gross motor)
cra - Crawling (Gross Motor)
cro - Crossing Midline (Gross motor)
div - Celebrating diversity
dra - Drawing ( Fine Motor)
eyc - Eye Contact ( Communication)
eye - Eye/Hand Coordination
fin - Fine Motor
fol - Following Directions (Communication)
gro - Gross motor
ham - Hammering (fine motor)
hop - Hopping (Gross Motor)
ima - Imaginative play (pretend/symbolic play)
jum - Jumping (Gross motor)
lan - Language (Communication )
let - Letter/Reading Skills (Perceptual)
lis - Listening (communication )
lit - Literacy (Communication)
log - Logical Reasoning (cognition)
loo - Looking (Perceptual)
Mat - Matching (Perceptual)
mem - Memory skills (Perceptual)
mot - Motor Planning (Gross Motor)
mul - Multicultural
mus - Music Skills
nar - Narrative (communication)
num - Numeracy (Cognitive / Perceptual)
obj - Object manipulation (fine motor)
pat - Pattern Copying (Perceptual)
pho - phonological awareness
pin - Pincer Grasp (Fine motor)
pla - Planning Strategies
plc - Placement , inc. posting , putting in , stacking
pou - Pouring ( fine motor)
ppp - Finger isolation inc. poking/pointing/pressing
pro - Problem solving (Cognitive)
sca - Scanning (Perceptual)
sen - Sensory Processing
seq - Sequencing (Cognitive)
sor - Sorting (perceptual)
squ - Squat and Stand (Gross motor)
ste - STEM
tac - Tactile (Sensory )
thr - Threading (Fine Motor)
tim - Time (Perceptual)
tur - Turn taking (Communication)
vim - Visual Memory ( Perceptual)
vis - Visual Discrimination (Perceptual)
wal - Walking (Gross motor)