
There are 62 attributes. Click on the attribute to view a list of toys in the library with this attribute.

Code Description # of toys
att Attention and Concentration (Cognitive) 91
aud Auditory Memory (Perceptual) 34
bal Balance (Gross Motor) 23
bil Bilateral Skills (Gross Motor/Fine Motor) 20
lan Language (Communication ) 16
lis Listening (communication ) 25
bod Body awareness (Gross Motor) 35
cau Cause & effect (Cognitive) 109
div Celebrating diversity 22
cli Climbing (Gross Motor) 17
col color (perceptual) 89
cct Concepts (Cognitive) 54
con Construction (fine motor /congnition) 44
coo Cooperation (communication) 8
cog Cognition 19
mus Music Skills 15
cor Core Strength and postural control (Gross motor) 52
cra Crawling (Gross Motor) 12
cro Crossing Midline (Gross motor) 12
num Numeracy (Cognitive / Perceptual) 12
eyc Eye Contact ( Communication) 1
eye Eye/Hand Coordination 157
fin Fine Motor 159
ppp Finger isolation inc. poking/pointing/pressing 93
fol Following Directions (Communication) 18
pin Pincer Grasp (Fine motor) 28
ham Hammering (fine motor) 13
hop Hopping (Gross Motor) 3
ima Imaginative play (pretend/symbolic play) 153
jum Jumping (Gross motor) 3
pla Planning Strategies 13
let Letter/Reading Skills (Perceptual) 13
plc Placement , inc. posting , putting in , stacking 62
lit Literacy (Communication) 18
log Logical Reasoning (cognition) 46
loo Looking (Perceptual) 38
Mat Matching (Perceptual) 44
mem Memory skills (Perceptual) 21
mot Motor Planning (Gross Motor) 47
mul Multicultural 5
pou Pouring ( fine motor) 8
nar Narrative (communication) 14
pro Problem solving (Cognitive) 50
sca Scanning (Perceptual) 19
pat Pattern Copying (Perceptual) 16
pho phonological awareness 10
com Communication 7
dra Drawing ( Fine Motor) 2
gro Gross motor 51
sen Sensory Processing 19
seq Sequencing (Cognitive) 6
sor Sorting (perceptual) 27
squ Squat and Stand (Gross motor) 5
ste STEM 12
tac Tactile (Sensory ) 41
tim Time (Perceptual) 1
tur Turn taking (Communication) 7
vim Visual Memory ( Perceptual) 16
vis Visual Discrimination (Perceptual) 41
wal Walking (Gross motor) 39
obj Object manipulation (fine motor) 155
thr Threading (Fine Motor) 17